Assessing Software Security, prIvacy, and SusTAiNability through Testing techniqueS

Assistants is a project funded by European Union – Next Generation EU  within the PRIN 2022 PNRR program (D.D.1409 del 14/09/2022 Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca)

ASSISTANTS Project Overview

Objective: The ASSISTANTS project aims to enhance the sustainability, security, and privacy of Smart Home software, building upon the success of the SIFIS-Home project concluded in September 2023.

Key Features:

  • Sustainability Label: Utilizes static and dynamic analysis techniques on software source code to assign a Sustainability Label, reflecting the software’s environmental impact.
  • Enhanced Security: Focuses on robust security measures to safeguard users against cyber threats.
  • GDPR Compliance: Ensures user data management aligns with European Law (GDPR) through a dedicated web platform.

User Empowerment:

  • Data Management Platform: Offers a platform for users to control personal data processed by their Smart Home, allowing for device reconfiguration based on user preferences.
  • Rights Exercise Mechanism: Facilitates user interaction with data controllers for easier exercise of data rights.

Technological Approach:

  • CI/CD Platform Integration: Implements analysis techniques into Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery platforms.
  • Programming Language Study: Investigates programming languages that inherently support security and sustainability.